Donate for Clean Water


Every Human Being Deserves Clean Water

Imagine life without it! Unfortunately, it’s a reality for 1 of every 10 people on the planet, including the more than 800 children under 5 who die every day from diarrhea caused by contaminated water, poor sanitation, and unsafe hygiene practices. And it’s a reality for the millions of women and kids who walk an average of 6 kilometers every day to get water — keeping them from school and work and robbing them of a fulfilling life. You can help these kids and families experience the transformation that comes when communities get clean water. World Vision is the leading nongovernmental provider of clean water in the developing world. Thanks to partners like you, we’re reaching one new person every 10 seconds with clean water — and we have an ambitious but achievable plan to help end the global water crisis within our lifetimes. Every $1 you give to the Clean Water Fund has the impact of $5, thanks to support from public grants, child sponsorship, foundations, and corporations. Your gift today will help equip communities with life-changing resources like: Wells, pumps, and water points for lasting access to clean water Piping systems to irrigate crops Water purification equipment to treat water contaminated by bacteria and other disease carriers Storage containers for rainwater Latrines and handwashing stations Programs that support hygiene behavior change for long-term improvements in health — plus menstrual hygiene education to ensure dignity and greater opportunity for girls and women Thank you for helping kids and families transform their lives through the gift of clean water in South Sudan!

Donate for Clean Water

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South Sudan Draught Crisis

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Donate for Qurban

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Donate For Food Packs

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